Returns Policy

WHAT can be returned?
- Incorrectly ordered or supplied product:
We accept returns for incorrectly ordered or supplied product within 7 days of the delivery date providing the goods are unopened and returned in perfect condition. Goods sent for return must be assigned a returns authority number or RMA number which you can obtain by contacting us during business hours. Goods must be returned in original packaging including manuals, warranty information etc. (It is the responsibility of the buyer to confirm they have received the correct product prior to opening the retail packaging)
- Faulty or DOA (Dead on Arrival) Products
If the product purchased is the correct/compatible item for the device it was intended for fails within 30 days you can return it with its original packaging to us for testing and replacement or refund. Outside the 30 days you can contact us or visit the manufacturers' website for details.
All goods are covered by the Product Warranty Policies for Australia.
The RA Number is valid for 14 days. Please ensure the returns are received at Cheap Chips within the 14 days.
Once you have received the Authority to return include the RMA Number in the shipping address below and post to:
- Cheap Chips Returns
- RMA reference: (xxxx )
- PO Box 445
- Cannon Hill Qld 4170
Returns freight must be Pre-Paid and we suggest you have tracking available for your parcel. Send item along with a copy of invoice and any other requested details provided by Cheap Chips. Cheap Chips is not responsible for lost or undelivered returns.
Goods that have failed within 30 days of receiving them must be returned with the original Retail Packaging. Incorrectly purchased or supplied items that have been opened will not be accepted for return. Please check with your device manual or device manufacturer to confirm the product is suitable before opening. Cheap Chips will not be liable for indirect or consequential damage (including loss of data), or for damage caused by improper use (including use in an incompatible device or manner and use otherwise not in accordance with the instructions), or by improper installation, unprofessional repair, modification or accident.